The links on this page worked at the time I posted them. If any link fails to work for you, please go to the contact page and let me know.

I have found these links personally helpful and have purchased products from some of them. I do not necessarily agree, however, with all the statements in their contents. There are, of course, hundreds of other links on this subject.

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Tom Sommers' site. He sells Canal Guides on a CD and has an informational site.

EuroCanals Forum run by Tom Sommers. Sign up and join in!

Roger van Dyken's Site. Excellent book on barging in Europe, site has lots of info.

Our broker in Holland, highly recommended. (But see notes on Dutch Brokers)

A software program I use that maps all the inland waterways in Europe

Graham Garnett : equipment, help & advice about satellite BBC TV & Radio in France

Selected downloads from Shannon-Garvey site